Harishchandra Ghat

Harishchandra Ghat is one of the most famous ghats in Varanasi, situated on the banks of the holy river Ganga. The ghat is named after the legendary king Harishchandra, who is said to have worked as a cremator at this place.

According to Hindu mythology, King Harishchandra was a noble king who ruled over Ayodhya. He was famous for his honesty and his love for his subjects. However, one day, he was challenged by the sage Vishwamitra to prove his loyalty to the gods. Vishwamitra demanded that Harishchandra sacrifice his kingdom, his family, and his wealth to the gods. Harishchandra accepted the challenge and gave away everything he had to Vishwamitra.

With no possessions left, Harishchandra was forced to work as a cremator at the Harishchandra Ghat to support his family. He worked tirelessly, day and night, to perform the last rites of the dead. Despite his hardships, he never lost his faith in God.

The story of Harishchandra Ghat is a testament to the power of faith, sacrifice, and perseverance. It is said that those who die and are cremated at this ghat achieve salvation and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Today, the ghat is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists who come to pay their respects to the dead and witness the rituals of cremation.